Headline 3
There is no question that WhatsApp is the undisputed leading messaging solution for private use. Highlight text of Whats App set benchmarks for the entire messenger market. Nevertheless, WhatsApp is not made for business conversations and information exchange. Among other things, data security and DSGVO are at best a grey area and normally there is a risk of penalties. In addition, usability and product features are focused on private communication with friends and family. Many features that are of great use to companies and authorities for communication and collaboration are.
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Max 3/4 lines. There is no question that WhatsApp is the undisputed leading messaging solution for private use. The standard features of WhatsApp.
Sicherheitsrisiken durch Standard-Messenger wie WhatsApp
Standard-Messenger wie WhatsApp sind im privaten Bereich weit verbreitet, stellen jedoch für die C-Level-Kommunikation erhebliche Risiken dar:
- Schutz von vertraulichen Daten: Sensible und vertrauliche Informationen können verteilt oder versehentlich weitergeleitet werden. Es ist nicht möglich, schützenswerte Daten abzusichern.
- Sicherheitslücken: Diese Messenger bieten häufig keine sichere Speicherung auf dem Endgerät und sind anfällig für Cyberangriffe.
- Compliance-Probleme: Die Nutzung von Standard-Messengern kann gegen Datenschutzbestimmungen wie die DSGVO verstoßen (z.B. der Zugriff auf Adressbuch-Kontakte und das Teilen von vertraulichen Informationen).
- Mangelnde Steuerung: Unternehmen haben keine Möglichkeit der Administration der Nutzer und Endgeräte und keine Regeln für den Zugriff und Austausch von Daten, was zusätzliche Risiken birgt.
Headline 4
There is no question that WhatsApp is the undisputed leading messaging solution for private use. Highlight text of Whats App set benchmarks for the entire messenger market. Nevertheless, WhatsApp is not made for business conversations and information exchange. Among other things, data security and DSGVO are at best a grey area and normally there is a risk of penalties. In addition, usability and product features are focused on private communication with friends and family. Many features that are of great use to companies and authorities for communication and collaboration are.
Headline 5
There is no question that WhatsApp is the undisputed leading messaging solution for private use. Highlight text of Whats App set benchmarks for the entire messenger market. Nevertheless, WhatsApp is not made for business conversations and information exchange. Among other things, data security and DSGVO are at best a grey area and normally there is a risk of penalties. In addition, usability and product features are focused on private communication with friends and family. Many features that are of great use to companies and authorities for communication and collaboration are.