The secure government messaging app

The government messaging app is a secure communication solution for municipalities and authorities, public transport employees, mobile officials of state ministries as well as parliamentary representatives of the government.

Secure and reliable communication standard with Teamwire

How we create a secure and reliable communication standard with a government messaging app

Often the number of mobile employees in cities, state and federal governments and in public authorities and ministries is far underestimated. Many employees and civil servants are up to 50% on the road. Each of these persons is equipped with a mobile device – depending on their role for different purposes. Whether it is a fast exchange of information, group chats or the collection of data (e.g. photos, videos), Teamwire provides a specially tailored tool for the needs of mobile employees. Teamwire is much more than just a messenger for secure chats.

A secure WhatsApp alternative for confidential discussions and information sharing

Government officials and authorities are often the target of spying activities and hacker attacks. This is especially true for digital solutions on mobile devices. Strong data protection, security and administrative precautions must be taken. This is not possible with consumer messaging solutions.


Teamwire uses comprehensive encryption and offers authorities absolute data sovereignty and professional administrative control to secure communication and exchange of data (files, photos and videos).

Automatisieren Sie Ihre Prozesse über Teamwire Bots

Much more than secure chatting – automate your processes via Teamwire bots

Use Teamwire not only for the usual sending and receiving of text and voice messages. Make use of system interfaces and handle digital work processes directly via Teamwire bots. We have developed the Bauhof bot especially for efficient work processes in the construction yard.
Teamwire Business Messaging App

Strong data protection – because confidentiality is a top priority at Teamwire

Teamwire is a GDPR-compliant government messaging app and fully complies with all requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our Messenger protects personal data comprehensively, is legally compliant and gives customers full data sovereignty.

A messenger is good – a collaboration platform for secure communication between office workers and mobile colleagues is even better

  • Teamwire professional multi-tenant capability
    Professional multi-tenant capability
    Let’s take the example of a state government, that consists of counties, cities or municipalities and various public authorities. Each of these organizations can become an own tenant, that is individually managed. Nevertheless, a communication across all organizations can take place. If you host the Teamwire solution in a private cloud or on own servers, is your choice.
  • Teamwire administration dashboard
    Use our administration dashboard to ensure compliance and connect Teamwire to your unified endpoint management
    As administrator you have control over the users and all functionalities within the app. Administrators can easily manage users, synchronize directories from LDAP/AD, configure comprehensive security policies and set communication rules for your agency. In addition, the Teamwire government messaging app can be automatically rolled out with MDM/UEM solutions and completely protect with a secure container.
  • Sovereignty and control over your data with Teamwire
    Maintain sovereignty and control over your data
    Nothing is more important than the security of users, communication and data. Weak data protection, meta data analysis or sharing content with third parties are an absolute “No Go”! Teamwire is a German product, which provides the highest level of data protection based on European laws and standards. Teamwire offers cloud, private cloud and on-premise hosting for maximum security and data control.
  • Communicate mobile or in the office with Teamwire
    Communicate from your preferred device – mobile or in the office
    Every organization is characterized by employees with different roles and responsibilities. Some work more at the desktop, others are mostly mobile and on the move. Teamwire provides an intuitive multi-device interface with all features, that is offered as a smartphone app, a desktop app and a web client. Information is synchronized in real time and instantly available on any device. Thereby users experience maximum productivity at any place and at any time.
  • Teamwire group chats
    Targeted communication via group chats
    In the communication it is important to connect the right employees directly with each other – no matter where they are working from. In Teamwire various features for group communication are some of the most important means for information exchange. We distinguish between individually created group chats, distribution lists, predefined circles and broadcasting. Read receipts always show which employees have already read the messages. Groups can even be created centrally via the administration dashboard and assigned to users. A guarantee for a targeted communication of all relevant teams.
  • Teamwire's automated workflows and data access
    Automated workflows and data access directly via the Teamwire government messaging app
    Mobile employees in particular often experience the additional work load of having to manually request data from other tools or enter data into a different system later. With Teamwire you can provide automated news, queries and/or input options via a chat bot using third-party connectors. In consequence workflows can be digitized and your employees can work more efficiently and productively.
  • Teamwire Business Messaging App
    The ideal symbiosis between business messaging and the social intranet
    Social intranets stand for putting employees at the center and living the company. With the attention messages we provide essential features of a social intranet. Whether for the public sector or government officials, the attention messages are the ideal companion for both mobile workers and office workers, to simply and clearly highlight important information.
  • The government messaging app for public authorities and government institutions
    Free Guide

    The government messaging app for public authorities and government institutions

    Get an overview of all necessary requirements for a government messaging app

    Richard Lippmann
    City Zirndorf
    The business communication via WhatsApp did not meet the legal requirements. A GDPR-compliant, secure and attractive solution for users was needed. In addition, alarm messages from the IT system needed to be sent automatically.