Teamwire Video Tutorials

Master Teamwire: Learn how to improve your messaging to communicate seamlessly with your team and coordinate your projects optimally.

Register an Admin

2 min

Register a Teamwire Admin

How do I register as an admin for my organization’s Teamwire account? How does two-factor authentication work? How can I personalize Teamwire? We’ll show you in the video how easy all of this is.

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Basic Settings (6 videos)

2 min

1/6 Privacy Settings

Whom may my Teamwire users communicate with? It’s in your hands: we’ll show you how to choose the right privacy mode and configure communication options.

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2 min

2/6 Retention Settings

How long will messages and sessions from my organization be retained? You decide: Configure retention policies according to your needs in the Teamwire Dashboard. More details in the video!

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2 min

3/6 Login & Registration

How can employees sign in? On how many devices? How strong does a password need to be? Define the rules for your organization: under Sign-in and Registration in the Teamwire Dashboard.

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2 min

4/6 App-Permissions

What are the policies for chats, attachments, and location data? What about data control and advanced Teamwire features? It’s in your hands: configure everything optimally in the Dashboard.

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2 min

5/6 Style Settings

How do I customize Teamwire to match my organization’s corporate design? With this video, you’ll learn how to set the appearance for your Teamwire app with just a few clicks in the Dashboard.

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2 min

6/6 Email Templates

What information do your employees receive in automatic emails from Teamwire? Our video reveals how you can easily customize notifications to your corporate language.

➡️ Email templates (EN)

➡️ Email templates (GER)

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Data Management (4 videos)

2 min

1/4 Create Teamwire user accounts

How do I create an account for new users of Teamwire? We show you various ways to efficiently manage Teamwire user accounts.

CSV Import Template

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2 min

2/4 Teamwire login options

How do I set up login options for users in Teamwire? How do I configure password login and passwords? Easily done in the Teamwire Dashboard – learn more in the video!

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2 min

3/4 User Management

How do I manage the accounts of users on Teamwire? In this video, we present various ways for you to easily administer Teamwire user accounts.

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2 min

4/4 Teamwire Circles

How do I use Teamwire Circles smartly? Learn how to use the Circles feature to centrally manage frequently used user groups and save time. More in the video!

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