The secure messenger for emergency communication

Secure emergency communication in times of crisis, protects your internal communication and keeps you safe from cyber attacks

Things that matter in emergency and crisis communications

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In emergency situations, every second counts. The speed at which communication can be conducted is the be-all and end-all in any crisis communication. End devices, solutions and functions must be secured to ensure the protection and safety of all involved.

Sicherer Messenger - Sicherheit

Encrypted transmission and storage of data, multiple authentication, the highest possible data sovereignty, and zero-trust operations are primary security requirements in emergency and crisis situations.

Emergency features

Crisis management requires a lot of logic and looking at a crisis situation from a functional point of view. The simpler the communication solution and its features are to use in an emergency, the faster all those affected can be informed.

Enable frictionless communication –
before, during and after a crisis or emergency situation

The speed of communication is the critical factor in how well a crisis or emergency can be managed.

Step 1: Implementation of crisis and emergency communication plans is critical

More and more companies are seeing the need to prepare emergency communication plans. The goal here is to inform entire workforces, teams or even an entire organization, even in hybrid work situations consisting of office work, home office and remote work, at the same time about an emergency, to exchange information and to keep the damage to the company as low as possible.


Typical scenarios:

  • Faulty production
  • Employee and industrial accidents
  • Environmental scandals/disasters
  • Workforce strike

Step 2: A theoretical emergency plan is followed by the right choice of crisis communication tools for practice

Often, off-the-shelf communication solutions are made for everyday business communication, but cannot be used for communication in crisis and emergency situations. Microsoft Teams and Slack do not have crisis add-ons that allow for customization based on individual crisis and emergency communication planning. Free messengers that do not adhere to the zero-trust security model, such as WhatsApp, should also be strictly avoided. What is needed is an investment in a fast, secure and simple solution that already integrates secure crisis and emergency features.

Teamwire Gruppen-Chats
Teamwire im Gesundheitswesen

Step 3: Teamwire connects and informs employees in crisis and emergency situations in real time

The goal is to allow teams, departments, workforces, locations or even entire organizations to communicate with each other without restrictions and in real time during an emergency. Since the cell phone is the most frequently used device in a crisis situation, a messenger designed for crisis communication serves for the best possible exchange, as well as for the fastest possible feedback from those affected – before, during and after an emergency. Teamwire can therefore be used both in day-to-day corporate communications and in crisis situations according to a predefined crisis plan.

Typical use cases why crisis and emergency communication can be handled very well via a messenger

  • Quickly inform employees about a problem/challenge
  • Share the emergency plan via Messenger
  • Responding with the help of quick reactions despite extremely high time pressure
  • Direct exchange between members of a crisis team to assess the situation
  • Coordinate and monitor communication and operational actions
Teamwire Business Messaging App

Features made specifically for crisis and emergency-oriented messaging

  • Share live locations
    Current locations can be shared live with responsible parties – business continuity managers, department heads, general managers, etc.
  • Teamwire Federation Industry Police
    One sender, multiple recipients
    One or more person(s) enabled by the IT administrator can create broadcast recipient lists and send read-only messages to selected people. Recipients receive the message – usually in 1:1 chat mode – and cannot reply to the message. For example, the business continuity manager can use a broadcast to order commands, actions and measures for people in a crisis situation.
  • Secure and reliable communication standard with Teamwire
    Managing crisis communication via Teamwire
    Despite dedicated crisis plans, crises and emergencies are unpredictable and volatile. Whether it is an explosion in a chemical plant, a cross-institutional pandemic such as Corona, or an accident involving an employee, Teamwire’s emergency alerting can be used to send alerts to the appropriate responsible parties depending on the severity of the crisis. Images and videos of damage can be shared via Teamwire, enabling direct case handling in a crisis situation.
  • Teamwire Push-to-Talk Hero
    Direct voice exchange without walkie-talkie
    The increase in hybrid forms of work means that onsite technologies such as push-to-talk are becoming more relevant again. With the help of the Push-to-Talk feature, audio messages can be exchanged in crisis situations via Teamwire Messenger. This allows people and groups equipped with a mobile device to send audio messages directly, for example, to better describe a crisis situation.
  • Teamwire Gruppen-Chats
    Crisis communication via group chats
    With Teamwire, you can define specific group chats for teams, departments, and organizations to reach all relevant employees simultaneously. Distribution lists especially facilitate communication intended for large groups of up to 2,000 users. Read receipts show you which people have received and read the messages. This simplifies targeted and fast communication.
  • Teamwire Business Messaging App
    Information overload? Keep the overview
    With the help of color-highlighted messages, you can separate information that is important for the team from topics of discussion and thus make them the focus of attention. Distinguish between alarms, notes and announcements. A direct response is given by the feedback option. This lets you know at a glance who has read the message and who has not.
  • Ensuring absolute data sovereignty and security
    Teamwire meets the highest security standards. Strong encryption, tap-proof communication and a fail-safe system for permanent accessibility of all employees, both in daily communication and in crisis and emergency situations. As a German company, Teamwire stands for strong German and European data protection.
  • Thumbnail Teamwire Case Study Bavarian Police
    Case study

    Bavarian police relies on Teamwire Messenger

    The Bavarian police have been working with Teamwire since 2017. Learn how messaging optimizes emergency communications.

    Reviews from Our Customers

    Individually configurable. Suitable for your industry.

    Richard Lippmann
    City Zirndorf
    The business communication via WhatsApp did not meet the legal requirements. A GDPR-compliant, secure and attractive solution for users was needed. In addition, alarm messages from the IT system needed to be sent automatically.
    Daniel Mirke
    Teamwire fulfills all the wishes and needs of our care workers for modern team communication. We can really recommend the messenger for healthcare services.
    Alexander Stöbrich
    Bavarian Police
    A complementary communication solution was needed for optimized mission critical communication. The solution had to be GDPR-compliant, meet our high police security standards and compliance regulations, and be easy to use.
    Florian Saade
    Teamwire is ideal for communication and cooperation between public authorities and organizations with security tasks. Mobile task forces in particular appreciate the intuitive use and ongoing further development of the app.
    Oliver Schiemann
    Head of Global Services Delivery, ISEC7 Group
    We appreciate the personal and fast customer support. We get competent support from German-speaking specialists - not only for all questions about the software, but also for its integration in complex infrastructures.
    Sabine Moeller
    Director Business Sales Public & Health, Vodafone GmbH
    Teamwire has been successfully used as a secure messenger for our customers in the public sector since 2016. The product is now suitable for a very wide range of mobile collaboration use cases and very high security requirements.