The secure messenger for emergency communication
Secure emergency communication in times of crisis, protects your internal communication and keeps you safe from cyber attacks
Things that matter in emergency and crisis communications
Emergency features
Enable frictionless communication –
before, during and after a crisis or emergency situation
The speed of communication is the critical factor in how well a crisis or emergency can be managed.
Step 1: Implementation of crisis and emergency communication plans is critical
More and more companies are seeing the need to prepare emergency communication plans. The goal here is to inform entire workforces, teams or even an entire organization, even in hybrid work situations consisting of office work, home office and remote work, at the same time about an emergency, to exchange information and to keep the damage to the company as low as possible.
Typical scenarios:
- Faulty production
- Employee and industrial accidents
- Environmental scandals/disasters
- Workforce strike
Step 2: A theoretical emergency plan is followed by the right choice of crisis communication tools for practice
Often, off-the-shelf communication solutions are made for everyday business communication, but cannot be used for communication in crisis and emergency situations. Microsoft Teams and Slack do not have crisis add-ons that allow for customization based on individual crisis and emergency communication planning. Free messengers that do not adhere to the zero-trust security model, such as WhatsApp, should also be strictly avoided. What is needed is an investment in a fast, secure and simple solution that already integrates secure crisis and emergency features.
Step 3: Teamwire connects and informs employees in crisis and emergency situations in real time
The goal is to allow teams, departments, workforces, locations or even entire organizations to communicate with each other without restrictions and in real time during an emergency. Since the cell phone is the most frequently used device in a crisis situation, a messenger designed for crisis communication serves for the best possible exchange, as well as for the fastest possible feedback from those affected – before, during and after an emergency. Teamwire can therefore be used both in day-to-day corporate communications and in crisis situations according to a predefined crisis plan.
Typical use cases why crisis and emergency communication can be handled very well via a messenger
- Quickly inform employees about a problem/challenge
- Share the emergency plan via Messenger
- Responding with the help of quick reactions despite extremely high time pressure
- Direct exchange between members of a crisis team to assess the situation
- Coordinate and monitor communication and operational actions
Features made specifically for crisis and emergency-oriented messaging
Reviews from Our Customers
Individually configurable. Suitable for your industry.