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Teamwire Blog

The most important news at a glance

Teamwire introduces function for emergency communication

Teamwire is a secure business messaging app for companies, government agencies and healthcare organizations. With a new emergency function for critical situations and emergencies, Teamwire can now

Compliant Enterprise Messaging for the General Data Protection Regulation

To ensure strong data protection and compliance with the DSGVO, companies should implement a secure enterprise messaging app before the DSGVO becomes effective. We present the necessary features of a

External communication through secure guest accesses

External communication with partners, customers and clients can be a relevant topic for a corporate

More Alerting and Crisis Communication Features for Our Enterprise Messaging App

The advanced innovative alerting and crisis communication features are major enhancements to Teamwire for enterprises, covering use cases for critical events, crisis situations and

Which hosting fits your Teamwire usage? Cloud or on-premise?

Businesses often wonder what cloud or hosting environment is best for their organization. Because of different models and services, one cloud is actual not equal to another

The Teamwire Dash Button – Combining Enterprise Messaging and IoT

The internet of things (IoT) market is strongly growing and offers a variety of important uses cases in combination with our enterprise messaging app. Teamwire now allows to connect all kind of IoT

Secure Messaging App for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

Over the past 12 months, the demand for Teamwire by clinics and healthcare organizations has increased dramatically. Our secure messaging app is ideal for hospitals, medical centers and healthcare

iPad iOS Version of Teamwire Available

Today Teamwire released version 3.5.0 of its iOS app. This new release of our secure enterprise messaging app provides now a dedicated iPad

Use Cases of Group Chats in an Enterprise Messaging App

The use of instant messaging apps in the enterprise continues to strongly grow. Some of the most prominent use cases are group chats.

Dracoon and Teamwire Partnership: GDPR Compliant Enterprise Messaging and File Sharing

In the future Teamwire will also offer the file sharing solution of DRACOON for its enterprise

Inspiring to communicate

Teamwire is a holistic business communication solution with highest data security standards to connect non-desk, frontline, and offline employees for simple internal and external exchange purposes anywhere, anytime, in any event

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